Monday, August 27, 2012

Road Trip: Blogged (Sunday)

Tiffany and I have been lucky on our road trip because we've gotten to see a lot of our friends and family who are scattered across the country. Besides having Tiffany's dad Gary along for the first half of the ride, we saw Tiffany's sister Melody in Denver and my mom and grandmother and lots of friends in Kansas City. Last night, we drove right by my grandmother's best friend in Dayton, Ohio.

When I say we drove right by her, that's exactly what I mean. Oh, sure, eventually we made a U-turn, pulled in front of her house and stayed the night, but when we first saw Impy, she was standing in her door waving us into her driveway while we kept right on going, waving frantically back at her.

"Should I pull into her driveway?" I asked Tiffany.

"Absolutely not! Do not pull this trailer into her driveway!"

"Call her and tell her we're turning around!" I shrieked, as Impy looked after us in confusion.

After I made a wide turn at the next four-way stop, we lurched to a halt just off Impy's curb.

"Girls, I cleared the driveway so you could pull right in," she said, coming to give us a hug.

"Thank you so much, Impy," I said, giving her a squeeze, "but we don't know how to reverse."

1 comment:

  1. That is too funny. Girls it is about time you learn how to reverse with a trailer!!!
